Pre Logs / Post Logs

Automated, accurate, streamlined logs — hassle-free

Mike's Awesome Post-Log Service (MAPS), our automated pre log and post log delivery and integration service.

MAPS continuously requests and delivers all your logs for all your advertisers in all your markets in North America (local, regional, national, cable, broadcast tv and radio). We transform the logs into your traffic system’s internal format for a successful import with no effort on your part.

Why wrestle with the tedious and cumbersome process of requesting, receiving, and entering pre and post log data into your traffic system?

For over 8 years, MAPS has been saving advertising agency customers significant time and cost by streamlining their post-log management operations while dramatically reducing errors and discrepancies.

  • Automatically requests and receives all logs
  • Helps resolve makegood discrepancies in flight
  • Real-time reporting on log status
  • Converts all log files (PDF, email, spreadsheets) into data to import into your traffic system
  • No demands on your media vendors to change their communications methods with you
  • Reduces data entry coding errors (ex. ISCIs, program names)

Maps Pre Log / Post Log Service